
Data Retention and deletion

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Data Retention, Deletion, and Destruction

Privacy policy last updated on Aug 8, 2024.

This privacy policy provides how Popover360 handles data retention, deletion, and destruction. Popover 360 has a Data Handling Standard policy for Popover360.com websites and properties that specifies how long customer data is retained after deletion. There are generally two scenarios in which customer data is deleted:

Deletion Process
  • Active Deletion: Where the user/customer has an active subscription or login/signin and a user/customer or administrator deletes data, or administrators delete a user.
  • Passive Deletion:The users' subscription ends or times out
Data Retention

  • Customer Data
    • Customer Content
      • Content directly provided/created by admins and users/customers Includes all text, sound, video, image files, and software created, stored, and uploaded to Popover360s' data centers when using the services of Popover360
      • Customer content also includes customer-owned/provided secrets (passwords, certificates, encryption keys, storage keys)
        • Active Deletion Scenario: at most 30 days
        • Passive Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days
    • End User Identifiable Information (EUII)
      • Data that identifies or could be used to identify the user of a Popover360 service. EUII doesn't contain Customer content
      • User name or display name (DOMAIN\UserName), User principal name (name@domain), User-specific IP addresses
        • Active Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days (only a administrator action)
        • Passive Deletion Scenario: at most 180 days

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