
Can I list my event on other sites as well as Popover360

Yes, you can list your event on any site of your choosing we do not want or need exclusive listings. You can also list your event in other areas outside of your home area to attract clients from neighboring cities. Outside area listings are considered premium and there is a cost associated with a premium listing.

Can I post my free event in other cities on Popover360

Yes, you can list your event outside your event area, listings are considered premium and there is a cost associated with a premium listing. Also keep in mind that posting in other areas even though it is a premium service still must be approved. This is done to prevent spam listings and advertisments which are detrimental to the overall site.

Can I list my event on Popover360

Anyone can add their event to Popover360. Each event is reviewed by a real person prior to going live. It is at the discretion on the administrator and reviewing personal as to the final approval. YOu can appeal a review if you think you event merits reconsideration. If your event was not approved the reviewing personal shall provide you with a reason for the rejection.

How much does it cost to use Popover360

The cost to use Popover360 is free for users to look for and find the latest events in their area of interest. Event promotors, attractions and restaurant that provide services that compliment the user experience by offering alternatives or additions to events are paid listings

Paid Listings

  • Attractions. define as operating on a continual basis
  • Restaurant

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